Fascia Flow be Roberto Mİlletti & Francesca Cassia
| Discovering the Body’s Wisdom
12-13 May’18 | 10:00-17:00

Fee 275 Euros / Earli-Bird 200 Euros
End Date:30 March’18

For registration and more info you can email us at info@izmiryoga.com OR Whatsapp message us at +90 554 957 8287 or you can contact Kamer Asli Kelly via Facebook…

The “Fascia Flow” training introduces the important role of the connective tissue in movement. This latest science which now rocks the movement world is introduced on a level that is easy to understand.
This training explores the lates research on connective tissue and how it applies to movement.

Fascia is a complex network of connective tissue which lies just beneath the skin.
Fascia has a key role to play in the everyday healthy functioning of the body.

Our fascial body suit adapts to the changes of load that is placed on the body, it stretches and shifts in the direction that we move. Through movement of the fascia, it remodels the collagen network, which in turn moulds to the body and gives the body suit tone.

When we reach a state of calmness and mindfulness our muscles and connective tissue are much more responsive to working.

The slow, rhythmic tempo provided by “Fascia Flow” allowing us to get past resistance in the fascia and work the muscles more effectively, stretch the entire fascial fabric in ways that conventional stretching doesn’t.

Healthy fascia is elastic and resilient. It helps improve movement performance and assists, to a large extent, with injury prevention.

Come inside and explore the wide matrix of the fascial web and its relationship with Odaka and its Flow.

Table of Contents
1. Meet Fascia
2. Discovering the Body’s Wisdom
3. Going deep into the major fascial lines.
4. How to re-pattern body and mind
5. How we should move and flow