

Pulse & Power | Odaka Yoga Masterclass | Organic Life Tokyo

Our ”Pulse and Power ” masterclass go beyond traditional yoga, incorporating elements that resonate with the innate pulse of life. Experience the fusion of rhythm and movement, enhancing the mind-body connection. Delve into challenging yet invigorating asanas that follow the [...]

By |Friday 1 March 2024|Categories: Appointments, Festivals, News|Comments Off on Pulse & Power | Odaka Yoga Masterclass | Organic Life Tokyo

Maya “the illusion”: between division and unity

How many times have you woken up from an illusion, frightened or reassured, hit by a myriad of thoughts without knowing what to believe but with the desire and hope for a better world? Has it ever happened to you [...]

By |Friday 24 June 2022|Categories: News|Comments Off on Maya “the illusion”: between division and unity

What Makes You Unhappy? – 3 ways to overcome suffering

“All that we are is mind-generated. It is the mind that leads the way. As our incessant shadow follows us, so does well-being when we speak or act with purity of mind "- Buddha, Dhammapada Unhappiness is an emotion from [...]

By |Wednesday 9 February 2022|Categories: News|Comments Off on What Makes You Unhappy? – 3 ways to overcome suffering
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