
News on and from Odaka Yoga

Pulse & Power | Odaka Yoga Masterclass | Organic Life Tokyo

Our ”Pulse and Power ” masterclass go beyond traditional yoga, incorporating elements that resonate with the innate pulse of life. Experience the fusion of rhythm and movement, enhancing the mind-body connection. Delve into challenging yet invigorating asanas that follow the beat of your own heartbeat, creating a unique and empowering experience. This masterclass is an [...]

2024-03-01T16:33:59+01:00Friday 1 March 2024|Categories: Appointments, Festivals, News|

Maya “the illusion”: between division and unity

How many times have you woken up from an illusion, frightened or reassured, hit by a myriad of thoughts without knowing what to believe but with the desire and hope for a better world? Has it ever happened to you to desire so much a pure and intense love between all living beings and then [...]

2022-06-24T13:26:22+02:00Friday 24 June 2022|Categories: News|

Live without Fear

“One day fear knocked on the door. Courage went to open and found no one. " - Martin Luther King Many people find it difficult to admit, even to themselves, that they feel fear; because it would mean admitting that you are not strong enough, but in reality by doing so you become even more [...]

2022-03-16T17:16:52+01:00Wednesday 16 March 2022|Categories: News|

What Makes You Unhappy? – 3 ways to overcome suffering

“All that we are is mind-generated. It is the mind that leads the way. As our incessant shadow follows us, so does well-being when we speak or act with purity of mind "- Buddha, Dhammapada Unhappiness is an emotion from which we must not escape. We all experience a state of unhappiness throughout our life [...]

2022-02-09T16:21:48+01:00Wednesday 9 February 2022|Categories: News|

How to find inspiration in Yoga practice and teaching?

How to find inspiration in Yoga practice and teaching? "The search for inspiration is like the search for happiness, the more you move to grab it the more it will escape you" cit. Vivian Mil Just like happiness, inspiration should not be sought far away because it is found in the heart of each of [...]

2021-11-29T14:49:17+01:00Monday 29 November 2021|Categories: News|

Odaka Yoga: How to Create Energy Alignments and Avoid Injuries During Yoga Practice

"Balance is not the alignment of perfectly equal forms, but the perfect alignment of different forms" cit.Vito Torgani Offering energetic help to your students through alignment research is not as simple as it may seem. Sometimes touching your student to correct him can create emotional tensions, be seen as an intrusive gesture and there are [...]

2021-11-04T13:11:14+01:00Thursday 4 November 2021|Categories: News|

Odaka Yoga: How to manage and transcend Anger

No one in this world is immune from anger. The path of personal growth is not a flat path, often there are climbs, traps, holes to avoid, thorns and spears that hurt us, values that must be defended, lessons to be learned. Anger is a powerful energy, it is the way we use it that [...]

2021-10-18T17:13:06+02:00Monday 18 October 2021|Categories: News|
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