A concentrated mind is not attentive. An attentive mind can concentrate.
A warrior’s ability on the battlefield is that to confront and flow with the rhythm of surrounding things, people and events and to develop the ability to reveal one’s needs without losing the interaction with the outside world and, at the same time, maintaining a unified vision.

Therefore, [we must] maintain the mind in a continuous flow; in a slightly, meditative state with calm, slow and centered movements and from a sense of joy and strength towards life in the present moment. Since when the mind is fixated on something it means that the flow has been interrupted and there is no freedom in one’s actions. The mind stops and allows itself to be imprisoned by its own thoughts.
If the mind is not applied anywhere, it will permeate every part of the body epanding itself in its entirety. This is what the way of the warrior teaches. Not stopping the mind is the process of actively gathering new things.