
Teacher training RYT200 | Immersion two Bangkok 14-23 Feb 2018

Odaka Yoga®︎ 85 hours Immersion 2 Bangkok, Thailand 14-23 February 2018. The second immersion to complete  RYT200 teacher training will take place in Bangkok in the marvelous setting of Thailand. For information, contact:

2017-12-05T13:20:11+01:00Friday 1 December 2017|Categories: Training courses|Tags: , , , |

Bangkok Teacher Training Module 500 | The Ultimate Warrior 9-13 march 2017

Odaka Yoga® Bangkok Training in 2017  We are honored to announce Odaka Yoga® Bangkok Training in 2017 to all our friends and families around the world! This trainings gives you an opportunities to learn one of the newest Odaka Yoga® sequence called "Ultimate Warrior" and "Anatomy Flow"  Each course provide you Odaka Yoga® textbook and [...]

2017-12-05T13:20:23+01:00Saturday 7 January 2017|Categories: Featured, Training courses|Tags: , , , |
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