#odakayoga #francescacassia #robertomilletti #livecentered #beyoubetterself #yogaprinciples #beinspired

Doing yoga versus Being Yoga

The essence of an Odaka Yoga practice coincides with this thought; yoga is a means to an end and not the end. Extraordinary power is enclosed in the present moment; one needs to transform “doing yoga” into “being yoga.” Only in this way, can yoga become an instrument that sharpens the mind and allows one [...]

Understanding Oneself  | Roberto Miilletti

‘In-Defence’ the Way of the Urban Warrior  Struggling against the changes life brings is not going to achieve anything but stress and frustration  Being rigid in beliefs and inflexible in attitude means we are unable to flow with life. And if we do not bend, we are more likely to break. In-Defence as a way of [...]

January 2020 | Sankalpa Inspiration by Roberto and Francesca

When you live your Svadharma, you live in harmony, peace, and acceptance of your purpose regardless of what anyone else thinks. infact Sva means “own” and dharma means “nature.” When one leads a life according to one’s svadharma, one lives happily and without resistance. Everything flows. We just need to gain better perspective of how [...]

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