martial art

A quiet mind of a contemporary warrior | Vol 1

Over thinking and over analysing separates the mind from the body. There is a beautiful concept in the Yoga Sutras, Parinamavada, the understanding that constant change is an inherent part of the cause and effect nature of life. To step into Parinamavada we use the concept of moving from the centre (tanden), expressing circular movements. [...]

2017-12-05T13:20:12+01:00Thursday 23 November 2017|Categories: News|Tags: , , , |

Parinamavada, Theory Of Transformation

There is a beautiful concept in the yoga sutras Parinamavada, the understanding  that constant change is an inherent part of the cause and effect nature of life A warrior’s goal is not to separate the conscious from the body. The conscious uses the body to act properly within reality. The goal of a warrior is to [...]

2017-12-05T13:20:37+01:00Sunday 31 January 2016|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , , , |
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