China TT Tour June 2017
Honored to be back again in China for a new Teacher Training in collaboration with Y-Zone Do not miss this opportunity and flow with us
Honored to be back again in China for a new Teacher Training in collaboration with Y-Zone Do not miss this opportunity and flow with us
Having no goal is necessary; it's absolutely liberating. When you have a goal with expectations you often find yourself living in the future. That doesn’t mean you don’t put forth any effort to make things great, you do. You're just not attached to the outcome. Having no goals allows for you to experience life and [...]
When you don’t have goals, you remain peaceful and powerful regardless of the results and you are free to enjoy everything for exactly what it is. And you can accept yourselves just as you are, too. The Urban Warrior mind is the mind that does not remain in one goal. It is the mind that [...]
Join me at the 2016 AFIC CONFERENCE in Korea | October 15th and 16th Book your mat and flow with me! Check the schedule
Here we are, joining again the amazing Japan and our beloved odaka yoga community do not miss any appointment and book you mat looking forward to see you soon +Sept, 15th @YMC +Sept, 16th @Central Sports Center +Sept, 17th @Yokohama Yoga Fest +Sept, 21-23 @Bandai TT (
The Yohama Yoga Fest has just opening the tickets release, Odakis here our classes. See you all there to create a new yoga love ocean wave together Happy to see you all again Roberto Sensei and Francesca Sensei 09/17 15:00-16:30 Odaka Yoga® アジア最大級のヨガイベント横浜Yogafest 公式ページが遂にOPENしました! 9月のシルバーウィークは横浜で会いましょう! [スケジュール] 09/17 15:00-16:30 Odaka Yoga®
Are you ready to turn your fears into power? The greatest opportunity we face is our own fear. An Urban Warrior starts with this simple fact in mind. The battles will be won when you’re willing to face yourselves. […]
Dive into the meaning of biomechanic, wave motion and hips flow with Francesca Cassia and Roberto Milletti. A masterclass born from a collaboration with CityZen, an oasis of peace in Milan city hearth . Info: email if you are an Odaka Teacher email for your special offer
One of the qualities of the warrior is non-attachment. When we come to a place of mental clarity, we see that it is the action itself that is meaningful and powerful, not the result. Being the best we can be and giving our practice our full attention is the reward itself – regardless of whether [...]
Come join us for a reawakening of the core muscle within us on January 23, 2016 at 3PM at the Odaka Yoga Studio in Ponte Milvio in Rome with our fantastic teacher Enzo Ventimiglia. The workshop will be focused on finding our core, which is a complex muscle found in the middle of our body [...]