
“Back to the Roots” Yoga Fest at Kabak Valley on 8-11 June Turkey

Ready for a new Dream Adventure? Dream Yoga Fest | Kabak Valley Turchia 8 - 11 giugno 2017 “Back to the Roots” at Kabak Valley on 8-11 June! Back to the Roots program with more than 20 presenters and 50 classes will let you immerse in a spiritual journey while enjoying a stunning location right on the [...]

2017-12-05T13:20:21+01:00Friday 3 March 2017|Categories: Featured, Festivals|Tags: , , , |

Hawaii Awareness Yoga festival and retreat in collaboration with Akira Sensei

Hawaii and yoga, a perfect combination, not to be missed :-) この度、綿本彰先生とOdaka Yoga®︎のハワイリトリート開催が決定いたしました! Odaka Yoga®︎のリトリートをハワイで開催したいと願い続け ようやく辿り着いた念願のハワイリトリートです! 皆さまのご参加、心よりお待ちしています。 お申し込みは綿本ヨーガスタジオ公式ページよりお願いいたします。 なお、お申し込み開始は2月13日(月曜)午後5時からとなっております。 _______________________ 日時 2017年5月15日(月)~17日(水) 3日間場所 Yoga Awareness Hawaii (その後はビーチ、または芝生などでクラスを行う予定です) 費用 35,000円(税込 / お一人様) ※料金は3日間の受講費用の他、初日の軽い昼食(手作りマクロビオティック・ランチ) 最終日の軽い夕食(ビーチでのケータリング料理)が含まれています ※宿泊、フライトに関するご相談は【ファーストワイズのページ】をご覧ください ※2017年5月12日(金)~14日(日)の3日間、ヨガフェスタ・ハワイが開催されます。 詳細は【こちらのページ】からご確認ください

2017-12-05T13:20:21+01:00Wednesday 1 March 2017|Categories: Featured, Festivals, Retreats|Tags: , , |

International Yoga Festivak Rishikesh INDIA 2017

Yogacharyas, teachers, students and seekers come from every corner of the globe to participate in this program. This year there are more than 70 presenters, from 20 countries, giving nearly 150 classes, from 4:00 am until 9:30 pm. The International Yoga Festival explores the eight limbs of Yoga and how they apply to our lives [...]

2017-12-05T13:20:23+01:00Saturday 7 January 2017|Categories: Festivals, News|Tags: , , , |

Om Yoga Show London | Alexandra Palace 21-23 oct 2016

Can you believe it's been 7 years? ! Crazy! Come and join Roberto Milletti in London again @ Alexandra Palace Book your mat http://www.omyogashow.com Ultimate Warrior Flow with Roberto Milletti 4:30 pm - 5:00 pm Vita Coco Open Class – Saturday This workshop focusses on embracing the flow of your practice and awakening your inner [...]

2017-12-05T13:20:27+01:00Sunday 28 August 2016|Categories: Festivals, News|Tags: , , , |

Yokohama Yoga Fest 2016

The Yohama Yoga Fest has just opening the tickets release, Odakis here our classes. See you all there to create a new yoga love ocean wave together Happy to see you all again Roberto Sensei and Francesca Sensei 09/17 15:00-16:30 Odaka Yoga® アジア最大級のヨガイベント横浜Yogafest 公式ページが遂にOPENしました! 9月のシルバーウィークは横浜で会いましょう! [スケジュール] 09/17 15:00-16:30 Odaka Yoga® http://www.yogafest.jp/official/

2017-12-05T13:20:28+01:00Saturday 23 July 2016|Categories: Festivals, News|Tags: , , , , , |

Yoga Day Summit

Creating the beautiful future our hearts know is possible, requires us to make positive changes in our lives that support us to become more radiantly healthy, spiritually awake and passionately engaged. Yoga is a powerful path to do ALL of these. On June 21, 2016 — the UN’s International Day of Yoga — The Yoga Day Summit will [...]

2017-12-05T13:20:30+01:00Wednesday 8 June 2016|Categories: Appointments, Featured|Tags: , , , , |

Grateful at the Milan Yoga Festival!

Our class today at the Milan Yoga Festival was packed and, as always, we are nothing but grateful to all of you. Thank you for giving us such a wonderful day!    

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