Odaka Yoga2017-12-05T13:20:41+01:00Wednesday 23 December 2015|Categories: News|Tags: asana, become a yoga teacher, body, city life, courses, fitness, francesca cassia, health, italy, life, lifestyle, mind, new year's, news, odaka, odaka yoga, ponte milvio, roberto milletti, rome, sports, teachers, together, training, transformation, vibe, yoga|
Master Class with Francesca Cassia 11/25
Come feel the flow! See you on Wednesday!
And once in awhile this happens…..
We come across another soul who speaks to ours. Someone who brings the calm into our crazy busy lives. Here for you is, the super talented - East Forest. https://youtu.be/5kjUvyslIwo?list=PLBZQuGcStkx4l_mDwMgACOucNq_WxYED4
Om Yoga Show London
We are so grateful to Wellicious and Om Yoga Show today for helping make our classes an enormous success over the weekend in London. Our classes were all sold out! An incredible success! Once again, we thank Wellicious, Om Yoga Show and YOU! Most of all YOU for following us on our journey and living [...]