
Intensive Teacher Training on the shore of the stunning Greek sea

Join us for an inspiring Yoga Teacher Training on the shore of the stunning Greek sea 200 Teacher Training | 300 Module Odaka Yoga Advanced Module 23 July - 6 August 2017  Kalymnos Accredited by Yoga alliance, CSEN CONI, Yoga Alliance International Deepen your practice, explore your potentialities and expand your consciousness while you become a [...]

2017-12-05T13:20:18+01:00Sunday 14 May 2017|Categories: News, Retreats, Training courses|Tags: , , |

Inspiring Teachers

One of the most important thing in teaching is the interaction with students. Don’t get stuck and do not be limited by what you think you ‘should’ teach. Often we are too focused on communicating information about a pose instead of communicating with the students. Listen to the student rather than just telling them what [...]

2017-12-05T13:20:20+01:00Sunday 12 March 2017|Categories: News|Tags: , , |

International Yoga Festivak Rishikesh INDIA 2017

Yogacharyas, teachers, students and seekers come from every corner of the globe to participate in this program. This year there are more than 70 presenters, from 20 countries, giving nearly 150 classes, from 4:00 am until 9:30 pm. The International Yoga Festival explores the eight limbs of Yoga and how they apply to our lives [...]

2017-12-05T13:20:23+01:00Saturday 7 January 2017|Categories: Festivals, News|Tags: , , , |

Yokohama Yoga Fest 2016

The Yohama Yoga Fest has just opening the tickets release, Odakis here our classes. See you all there to create a new yoga love ocean wave together Happy to see you all again Roberto Sensei and Francesca Sensei 09/17 15:00-16:30 Odaka Yoga® アジア最大級のヨガイベント横浜Yogafest 公式ページが遂にOPENしました! 9月のシルバーウィークは横浜で会いましょう! [スケジュール] 09/17 15:00-16:30 Odaka Yoga® http://www.yogafest.jp/official/

2017-12-05T13:20:28+01:00Saturday 23 July 2016|Categories: Festivals, News|Tags: , , , , , |

Intensive Teachear Traning Creete 2016 | Enroll now!

Teacher Training in Creete    July 24 - August 7, 2016     Early Bird Discount valid until Aprile 1, 2016  200 and  300 hours Yoga alliance   Registration open Explore your potentialities Join us for an inspiring Yoga Teacher Training on the shore of the stunning Greek sea. Deepen your practice, explore your potentialities and [...]

2017-12-05T13:20:29+01:00Wednesday 6 July 2016|Categories: News, Retreats, Training courses|Tags: , , , |

Find Your Core Workshop with Enzo Ventimiglia

Come join us for a reawakening of the core muscle within us on January 23, 2016 at 3PM at the Odaka Yoga Studio in Ponte Milvio in Rome with our fantastic teacher Enzo Ventimiglia. The workshop will be focused on finding our core, which is a complex muscle found in the middle of our body [...]

International Yoga Festival in Rishikesh, India

We were asked again to return to the International Yoga Festival in Rishikesh, India as presenters and teachers and we are very honoured. This marvellous happening will be held on March 1- 7th. Come join us for this magnificent event which is a "must" at least once in a lifetime! - Francesca Cassia and Roberto Milletti

2017-12-05T13:20:40+01:00Tuesday 5 January 2016|Categories: Featured, Festivals|Tags: , , , , |

Master Class with Francesca Cassia & Roberto Milletti

Come join us on Thursday, December 10th at 7PM at the Odaka Yoga Studio in Ponte Milvio in Rome for a very special Master Class with the founders of Odaka Yoga. You won't want to miss this!  

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