
A quiet mind of a contemporary warrior | Vol 1

Over thinking and over analysing separates the mind from the body. There is a beautiful concept in the Yoga Sutras, Parinamavada, the understanding that constant change is an inherent part of the cause and effect nature of life. To step into Parinamavada we use the concept of moving from the centre (tanden), expressing circular movements. [...]

2017-12-05T13:20:12+01:00Thursday 23 November 2017|Categories: News|Tags: , , , |

Do not get stuck on a goal is the way to Freedom

When you don’t have goals, you remain peaceful and powerful regardless of the results and you are free to enjoy everything for exactly what it is. And you can accept yourselves just as you are, too. The Urban Warrior mind is the mind that does not remain in one goal. It is the mind that [...]

2017-12-05T13:20:25+01:00Wednesday 12 October 2016|Categories: Featured|Tags: , , , , , |

As an Urban Warrior, turn your fear Into self-confidence

Are you ready to turn your fears into power? The greatest opportunity we face is our own fear. An Urban Warrior starts with this simple fact in mind. The battles will be won when you’re willing to face yourselves. […]

2017-12-05T13:20:29+01:00Saturday 25 June 2016|Categories: Featured, News|Tags: , , , , , |

As an Odaka Warrior, stand your ground

To rediscover your inner power (em-powerment) the Asana should be a tool, not goal. During the yoga practice, daily life, goals lead you to pressure and conflict between present actuality and the desire possibility. The process and constant with the actuality of the moment is more important than any attainment . Standing your ground cultivates [...]

2017-12-05T13:20:38+01:00Saturday 23 January 2016|Categories: Appointments|Tags: , , , , , , |

Just a reminder!

Our Prenatal Teacher Training Course is starting tomorrow December 5th through December 8th in Reggio Emilia! Not to miss! Also, December 5th and 6th at the Ponte Milvio Studio in Rome, we will have lessons dedicated to the Odaka Yoga "Wave Motion". Our final reminder is that on December 8th the Ponte Milvio Studio will [...]

Why is Odaka Yoga so special?

Today I would like to talk about what makes Odaka Yoga so special for all of us. Odaka Yoga moves with the rhythm of the ocean and helps us to expand the flow of our vital life force where music, movement and breathing are used to mutate the pattern of our cerebral waves activating mainly [...]

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